If you decide to rent one of our potable water tanks, we will set up a delivery date with you and get your playa address.
Contact MECO with your playa location as soon as you know it, along with your requested tank delivery date. Deadline August 1st.

Be ready to place and receive your tank on your scheduled delivery date!
Your tank will either have to be set up by the street or you will have to have an access road 12ft wide that our trucks can drive through. The access road needs to be a THROUGH ROAD that trucks can Enter and Exit (we are not backing down into camps anymore). MECO trucks must be able to get within 10 feet of the potable water rental tank.

MECO will be by every other day to check your tank and top it off, if needed. It will be your choice whether to top off or not. Please have cash ready at the time of delivery if you have not paid for top off in advance.
Your potable water tank rental may only be filled or refilled by MECO potable water trucks. All of our trucks are labeled MECO Potable Water. If a non-MECO truck fills or refills your rental tank, you will be liable for contaminating the potable water rental tank. We will no longer fill or refill that rental tank and you will be charged a decontamination fee of $500 to clean the tank and all equipment. As soon as we receive the decontamination fee, we will bring you a clean rental tank. You will need to pay for the water to refill the cleaned rental tank at $1.75 per gallon.

At the end of the event if there is any unused potable water left in the rental tank, MECO will dispose of it for you. There is no refund on leftover water in the rental tank. Once it leaves a MECO potable water truck, it is your camp’s water. State health regulations don’t allow us to put unused water back into our potable water trucks or resell it because there could be contamination. MECO will collect your unused water in NON-Potable water trucks and dispose of it accordingly. Know your water usage!

Liability: The renter is liable for any and all lost or damaged equipment.